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How to Create a Gradebook in Excel With Weights

Grading with Blackboard and Excel

Calculating Grades with Excel

When grades are described numerically, Excel provides a plethora of means to view their characteristics and modify them.

  • Grade Statistics
  • Curving Grades
  • Correlations between Grades
  • Getting Grades Back into Blackboard

Grade Statistics

A common desire within gradebooks is to see simple statistics of grades.

  • A final grade is commonly determined by a weighted average or mean of test grades, etc.:

  • Here each test counts 1/5 or 20%, while the final exam is counted twice (2/5 or 40%).
  • Instead of the above, you could also use the Average function:

    = Average(B2:E2, E2)

    One characteristic of the Average function is that it ignores cells that are blank, distinguishing them from a cell whose data is zero.

    Often one may leave a cell blank for a student that hasn't taken a test, but when calculating you want it to count as zero.

    An explicit sum and divide, as above, is therefore preferred in this case.

  • Another way one might calculate final grades is with a root-mean-square:

    = Sqrt((B2^2 + C2^2 + D2^2 + 2 * E2^2)/5)

    This would automatically give more emphasis to the higher grades a student earns.

    While Blackboard's gradebook can provide weighted averages, this root-mean-square method requires something like Excel.

  • Other possible calculations might include quiz grades, extra credit, etc., possibly in a nonlinear fashion (e.g. having more weight for lower test scores).
  • Many Excel statistical functions could be made a standard part of your gradebook (another advantage over Blackboard):
    • Count: Counts the number of nonempty cells in its argument list.
    • Max: Finds the maximum value within its arguments.
    • Min: Finds the minimum value within its arguments.
    • Median: Finds the value for which half of its arguments are greater and half are lesser in value.
    • Mode: Finds the most common value within its argument

    Note that Excel displays the symbol #N/A when it can't calculate an answer (for Mode there must be one value that's more common than the others, which is less likely in a small population such as the above).

  • The numerical calculations above are typically not integers; they appear as such because the cells were given a representation with zero decimal places.

    Occasionally one may want to actually round off the result, e.g. if a grade is given out to students as an integer but subsequently used in another calculation that the student might verify.

    Then the Round function might be used:

    The second argument (0 in this case) describes the number of decimal places to round off to.

Curving Grades

If you choose to curves grades, any numerical method can be implemented in Excel.

  • The general idea behind curving is to add points to raw grades to bring them up to a predefined scale of values, consistent across several tests or other assessments.

    One common scale makes a grade in the 90s an "A", in the 80s a "B", in the 70s a "C", in the 60s a "D", and anything less an "F".

    One might then curve every test to have a median of 80 (for example), and combine the results for the final grade.

    (The median is generally used instead of the average, because in a smaller class the latter can change significantly if there is a particularly bad or good grade.)

  • Several methods of curving are shown below, for test scores that have a median of 70:

    The medians in each case are represented by the vertical lines.

  • For each curving method those at the median are given just enough additional points to remain at the median, and those above or below may be given more or less points.

    If the median of the raw grades is greater than the targeted median of 80 for the curve, a curve will usually subtract points for many students.

    If one may wishes to avoid this, one could instead set the curve median to:

    Median(C) = Max(80, Median(T))

  • One can then set up additional columns in your spreadsheet to calculate the curves:

    The median value of the curve is predetermined, and this is indicated by putting it in bold.

    Let's now consider several possible ways to curve grades.

  • For a constant curve, in which everyone gets the same amount of additional points,

    C = T + (Median(C) - Median(T))

    With the addition of the Round function, this expression looks like the following in Excel:

    This gradebook can be downloaded here.

  • Note the references to the test and curve medians in the formula field, B$4 and C$4.

    Because the median is the same for all of the grades, we don't want Excel to update that reference when the curve formula is iterated to other cells.

    The $ symbol in front of the "4" prevents updating that row reference.

    Note that the column references "B" and "C" could still be updated, as we would want them to be when the formula is copied to the other curve columns.

  • One characteristic of a constant curve is that it can sometimes push the highest scores over 100, as in cell C11 above.

    In this case, one might wish to use a linear curve that fixes the maximum at Max(C) = 100:

    C = (Max(C) - Median(C))/(Max(T) - Median(T)) * (T - Median(T)) + Median(C)

    This expression ensures that if T = Max(T), then C = Max(C).

    As always, if T = Median(T), then C = Median(C).

    In some cases, specifically if Max(T) is increased by more than Median(T), this function may lower student grades that are below the median.

    Therefore, you may wish to limit the additional points added above the median:

    Max(C) = Min(100, Max(T) + (Median(C) - Median(T)))

    With this restriction, the curve will automatically become constant when necessary.

    With the addition of the Round function, it looks like this in Excel:

    This gradebook can be downloaded here.

  • As observed in the graph above, a linear curve can sometimes give lots of extra points to lower grades.

    If you don't want this, you may want to try the nonlinear curve displayed in the graph:

    C = T*Median(C)*(Max(T) - Median(T))/
    (T*(Median(C)*Max(T)/Max(C) - Median(T)) + (1 - Median(C)/Max(C))*Max(T)*Median(T))

    (This curve function comes from the American Journal of Physics circa 1972.)

    Note that the curve automatically gives zero points to those who don't take the test.

    With the addition of the Round function, it looks like this in Excel:

    This gradebook can be downloaded here.

Correlations between Grades

Student results can be compared from test to test using Excel's correlation function.

  • One reason to curve tests individually (as opposed to one big curve at the end) is that it makes it easier to compare performance from test to test.

    Even if one doesn't choose to curve, the function Correl allows one to compare two sets of grades by calculating a statistical correlation:

    = Correl(Test1, Test2)

    This function is based on deviations from the average, so it doesn't require a common scale.

    Correl looks like this in Excel:

    A positive correlation close to 1 indicates the test scores, as a group, are very close together.

    If the correlation is negative, it indicates a flip-flop between the good students and the bad students.

    If the correlation is zero, it indicates an apparently random relationship.

Getting Grades Back into Blackboard

At this point grades might be entered back into Blackboard.

  • Eventually the grades must be entered back into Blackboard so that students can see them. Excel can export its gradebook to a Blackboard-compatible format called "CSV" ("Comma-Separated Values").

    Blackboard can import from CSV files on a column-by-column basis.

    See the Blackboard tip Exchanging Grades with Microsoft Excel for detailed instructions.

The fundamentals of graphing the calculations described here can be found in Graphing with Excel.

How to Create a Gradebook in Excel With Weights
