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How Many Hits Does It Take to Kill False Knight


What's a Dark Souls-like without some good old-fashioned Bosses? Well, Hollow Knight doesn't disappoint in that arena, with a massive variety of them to battle your way through.

Much like its inspiration, these bosses are pretty difficult though, so be prepared to spend a good chunk of time learning their attack patterns, strengths, and weaknesses. But you're going to have to fight a bunch of them if you want to progress through the Hollownest.

In this guide we're going to help you do just that, by compiling a list of every single Boss in the game and even providing you with strategic tips to vanquish them.

Hollow Knight - Broken Vessel Boss Details & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Shattered corpse, reanimated by infected parasites Ancient Basin 525 Monarch Wings

Broken Vessel - Moves List

Slash Aerial Slash Leap Flail Slam Headbanger Balloon
Forward dash while slashing with the Nail Leap and forward dash while slashing with the Nail Leap in any direction around the arena Swings nail overheard left and right four times Leaps over and slams down on the Knight, generates four infectious blobs that can also perform slam attacks Infectious blobs fill the arena Spawns an infectious balloon that will fly straight towards the Knight to deal damage on contact

Hollow Knight - Brooding Mawlek Boss Details & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Ferocious but extremely social creature. Becomes aggressive if not able to mingle with its own kind Forgotten Crossroads / Trial of the Fool 300 Mask Shard

Brooding Mawlek - Moves List

Slash Spit Leap Vomit
Performs a downward slash at the Knight if it gets too close Spits an infectious blob at the Knight Leaps and lands at the position the Knight is standing on, then leaps back to the centre of the arena Shoots a bunch of infectious blobs at the Knight

Hollow Knight - Crystal Guardian Boss Details & Location

Appearance Description Location First Encounter HP Second Encounter HP First Reward Second Reward
Heavyset miner of the Crystal Peak overcome by crystal growth. Can discharge blazing beams of light from its crystallised limbs Crystal Peak 280 450 385 550

Crystal Guardian - Moves List

Laser Beam Sky Beam
Shoots a crystal beam from its hand at the Knight Shoots a multitude of crystal beams at the Knight from above

Hollow Knight - Dung Defender Boss Details & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Skilled combatant living at the heart of the waterways. Assails intruders with balls of compacted dung Royal Waterways 700

Defender's Crest

Dung Defender - Moves List

Toss Burst Dive Zeal
Throws balls of dung at the Knight, which bounce about the arena temporarily Dives underground and travels back and forth across the arena, damaging the Knight if struck. Bursts out of the ground at the end, firing four dung balls at the Knight Dives in and out of the ground across the arena Goes hyper and chains fast Burst attacks from the ground, targeting the Knight

Hollow Knight - False Knight Boss Details & Location

Appearance Description Location Body HP Head HP Reward
A maggot driven mad by a strange force. Inhabits a stolen armoured shell Forgotten Crossroads 65 40 City Crest

False Knight - Moves List

Slam Leaping Slam Rage
Slams its mace into the ground, firing a shockwave across the arena Leaps at the Knight and slams the mace down upon landing Once you've broken its armour and attacked the Maggot, the False Knight will slam its mace into the ground on the left and right a few times, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling

Hollow Knight - Flukemarm Boss Details & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
An insatiable breeder. has populated the waterways with its kind. Its insides double as a nest for young Flukefeys Royal Waterways 350 Flukenest

Flukemarm - Moves List

Spawns two Flukefeys periodically that attack the Knight

Hollow Knight - God Tamer Boss Details & Location

Appearance Description Location Rider HP Mount HP Reward
Veteran warrior of the Colosseum of Fools. Fights by the side of the creature she has trained Trial of the Fool 600 450 -

God Tamer - Moves List

Leap Rolling Spew
Leaps into the air and swings its lance at the Knight Curls into a ball and rolls across the arena at the Knight, bouncing off a wall on impact to try and hit the Knight once again upon landing Spews infectious blobs at the Knight

Hollow Knight - Gruz Mother Boss Details & Location

Appearance Description Location Forgotten Crossroads HP Colosseum of Fools HP Forgotten Crossroads Reward Colosseum of Fools Reward
Mature gruzzer that carries its young in its belly. Attacks by hurling its huge body around Forgotten Crossroads / Trial of the Warrior 90 120 50 Geos -

Gruz Mother - Move List

Charge Zig-Zag Slam
Charges at the Knight Slams repeatedly between the floor and ceiling

Hollow Knight - The Hollow Knight Boss Details & Locations

Appearance Description Location HP
Fully grown Vessel, carrying the plague's heart within its body Temple of the Black Egg 1,000

The Hollow Knight - Phase One Move List

Triple Slash Lunge Parry
Slashes with its Nail three times at the Knight Lunges quickly at the Knight Blocks the Knight's attack and retaliates with a quick counter

The Hollow Knight - Phase Two Move List

Rainbow Diving Flame Pillar
Launches multiple infectious blobs at the Knight Dives down at the Knight, releasing flaming pillars across the arena

The Hollow Knight - Phase Three Move List

Explosion Bouncing Balloon
Hovers in the air and shoots infectious blobs all over the arena Repeatedly bounces, trying to slam the Knight

The Hollow Knight - Phase Four Move List

Desperate Attack
Swings its Nail and falls to its knees

Hollow Knight - Hornet Boss Details & Locations

Appearance Description Location First Encounter HP Second Encounter HP Reward
Skilled protector of Hallownest's ruins. Wields a needle and thread Greenpath / Cast-Off Shell / City of Tears / The Abyss / Beast's Den / Temple of the Black Egg 225 700 Mothwing Cloak / King's Brand

Hornet - First & Second Encounter Moves List

Lunge Aerial Lunge Gossamer Storm Aerial Gossamer Storm Throw
Lunges at the Knight with a Needle Jumps and lunges downward at the Knight Performs an AoE attack on the area surrounding her Performs an AoE attack from the air on the area surrounding her Throws her needle at the Knight and pulls it backHornet

Hornet - Remaining Encounters Moves List

Parry Spike Ball
Blocks an attack and retaliates with a quick counter Suspends spiked balls from the air that deal damage when touched

Hollow Knight - Mantis Lords Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location First Phase HP Second Phase HP Reward
Leaders of the Mantis tribe and its finest warriors. They bear thin nail-lances and attack with blinding speed Mantis Village 210 160 + 160 Mark of Pride / Hallownest Seal / 620 Geos

Mantis Lords - Moves List

Dash Drop Boomerang
Mantis Lords attack from either side of the arena A Mantis Lord drops from above and attacks the Knight A Mantis Lord throws a boomerang at the Knight that returns in an arc

Hollow Knight - Nosk Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Mimics the shape of other creatures to lure prey to its lair Deepnest 680 Pale Ore

Nosk - Moves List

Charge Leap Eruption Rain
Crawls rapidly towards the Knight Leaps around the arena and occasionally at the Knight Shoots infectious blobs all around the arena Leaps out of the arena and drops infectious blobs on the Knight

Hollow Knight - Soul Master Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location First Phase HP Second Phase HP Reward
Head of the Soul Sanctum. Hoarded soul hoping to stave off Hallownest's affliction, but eventually became intoxicated by its power Soul Sanctum 275 110 Desolate Dive

Soul Master - Moves List

Dash Orb Clock Slam Fake Out Slam
Dashs across the arena from left to right Fires an infectious orb at the Knight Conjures four orbs that rotate around the Soul Master as it floats left and right across the arena Slams into the ground, generating shockwaves that travel across the arena on either side of the landing Soul Master goes to slam the Knight but halfway through the attack, performs another over the Knight's new position

Hollow Knight - The Collector Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Dark figure locked inside the Tower of Love. Preserves Hallownest's creature in glass jars, with particular attention given to Grubs Tower of Love 750 Collector's Map

The Collector - Moves List

Jar Grab
The Collector jumps onto the ceiling and rains jars down on the Knight. Each jar contains between 1 - 3 enemies Leaps towards the Knight and tries to grab it

Hollow Knight - The Radiance Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP
The light, forgotten Temple of the Black Egg 1,700

The Radiance - Moves List

Beam Burst Sword Burst Sword Rain Sword Wall Wall of Light Orb Spike Floor Big Beam
Fires multiple beams around The Radiance Shoots multiple swords in random directions Rains down groups of swords in columns from the ceiling Shoots a wall of swords that move across the arena from left to right Summons a wall of light that crosses the arena from one side to the other Summons three orbs of homing light that attack the Knight Covers a setion of the floor in spikes temporarily Fires a massive beam of light at the Knight

Hollow Knight - Traitor Lord Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Deposed Lord of the Mantis tribe. Embraced the infection and turned against his sisters Queen's Gardens 800 White Lady

Traitor Lord - Moves List

Dive Dash Dancing Glaive Radiant Wave
Leaps into the air and dives at the Knight Dashes towards the Knight and swipes with claws Shoots two spinning blades at the Knight Punches the ground, causing shockwaves to rise up on both sides of the arena

Hollow Knight - Uumuu Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Intelligent being that guards the inner chamber of the Teacher's Archives Teacher's Archives 300 Monomon the Teacher

Uumuu - Moves List

Burst Chase
Fills the arena with bursts of lightning Creates bursts of lighting at the Knight's location for a brief period

Hollow Knight - Watcher Knight Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Discarded shell of a Watcher Knight, re-animated by a swarm of infected flies Watcher's Spire 1320 650 Geos / Hallownest Seal / Lurien the Watcher

Watcher Knight - Moves List

Double Slash Roll Bouncing Roll
Swings twice at the Knight Curls into a ball and rolls at the Knight Curls into a ball and tries to bounce on the Knight twice

Hollow Knight - Elder Hu Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Travelled the world tending to those affected by the plague Fungal Wastes 200 - 650 100 Essence

Elder Hu - Moves List

Teleport Ring Slam Ring Curtain
Warps around the arena Summons a row of rings that slam down on the arena Summons pairs of rings that slam down on the ground

Hollow Knight - Galien Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Trained in the wilds bordering the kingdom, hoping to become a Knight Deepnest 200 - 640 200 Essence

Galien - Moves List

Scythe Spin Scythe Ricochet Soul Scythes
Commands a scythe to chase the Knight Commands a scythe to bounce around the arena Commands smaller scythes to bounce around the arena

Hollow Knight - Gorb Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. A mysterious life-form that claimed to contain all of the world's knowledge inside of its distended brain Howling Cliffs 200 - 570 100 Essence

Gorb - Moves List

Spear Cast Teleport
Fires a ring of spears in a circle Warps around the arena

Hollow Knight - Markoth Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Only member of his forgotten tribe to take up a weapon Kingdom's Edge 200 - 705 250 Essence

Markoth - Moves List

Teleport Nail Summon Shield Cyclone
Warps around the arena Summons a Nail that flies at the Knight Spins its shield in a wide radius

Hollow Knight - Marmu Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Protector of the Queen's Gardens Queen's Gardens 200 - 570 150 Essence

Marmu - Moves List

Curls into a ball and rolls at the Knight

Hollow Knight - No Eyes Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Disappeared during the plague Greenpath 200 - 570 200 Essence

No Eyes - Move List

Summon Spirits
Summons spirits while warping around the arena

Hollow Knight - Xero Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Lingering dream of a fallen warrior. Executed for crimes against the King Resting Grounds 200 - 570 100 Essence

Xero - Moves List

Nails of Light
Summons between two and four Nails of light that shoot at the Knight

Hollow Knight - Failed Champion Boss Description & Location

Appearance Location Body HP Head HP Reward
Forgotten Crossroads 360 40 300 Essence

Failed Champion - Moves List

Slam Leaping Slam Rage
Slams its mace into the ground, firing a shockwave across the arena Leaps at the Knight and slams the mace down upon landing Slams its mace into the ground on the left and right a few times, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling

Hollow Knight - Lost Kin Boss Description & Location

Appearance Location HP Reward
Ancient Basin 1,200 400 Essence

Lost Kin - Moves List

Slash Aerial Slash Leap Flail Slam Balloon
Forward dash while slashing with the Nail Leap and forward dash while slashing with the Nail Leap in any direction around the arena Swings nail overheard left and right four times Leaps over and slams down on the Knight, generates six infectious blobs that can also perform slam attacks Spawns an infectious balloon that will fly straight towards the Knight to deal damage on contact

Hollow Knight - Soul Tyrant Boss Description & Location

Appearance Location First Phase HP Second Phase HP Reward
Soul Sanctum 900 350 300 Essence

Soul Tyrant - Moves List

Dash Orb Clock Slam Fake Out Slam
Dashes across the arena from left to right Fires an infectious orb at the Knight Conjures six orbs that rotate around the Soul Tyrant as it floats left and right across the arena Slams into the ground, generating shockwaves that travel across the arena on either side of the landing Soul Master goes to slam the Knight but halfway through the attack, performs another over the Knight's new position

Hollow Knight - Grey Prince Zote Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Figment of an obsessed mind. Lacks grace but becomes stronger with every defeat Dirtmouth 1,200 - 1,500 300 Essence

Grey Prince Zote - Moves List

Frantic Swings Summon Zoteling Shadow Slam Leap Bash Failed Slash Backwards Slam Summon Volatile Zoteling
Follows the Knight swinging his Nail then slams it down causing shockwaves Spits out two Zotelings Vanishes then reappears above the Knight, slamming down and creating a shockwave in both directions Leaps and slams his Nail, creating shockwaves ahead and behind Slashes then falls to the ground, creating two shockwaves Jumps back, creating two shockwaves Summons three Zotelings

Hollow Knight - White Defender Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Figure from a fondly remembered past. Reacts gallantly to defeat by becoming stronger Royal Waterways 1,600 300 Essence

White Defender - Moves List

Dung Toss Bouncing Beetle Dung Eruption Dung Quake Dung Leap Dung Slam Zeal
Throws two or three balls of dung that bounce around the arena Curls into a ball and bounces around the arena, along with two balls of dung Tunnels into the ground and moves across the arena, throwing five balls of dung on either side Dives into the ground, releasing pillars of dung on either side then reemerges and throws five balls of dung on either side Dives up and down underground across the arena Slams the ground, causing two pillars to emerge either side of him Performs a battle cry and pulls of Dung Eruption five times in a row

Hollow Knight - Grimm Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Master of the Grimm Troupe Dirtmouth 800 - 1,000 Notch / Grimmchild Level 3

Grimm - Moves List

Firebats Dive Dash Dash Uppercut Cloak Spikes Flame Spawner Evade Stagger
Summons firebats that fly at the Knight Flies into the air, turns into a screw, and dashes towards the Knight Dashes at the Knight and performs an uppercut, leaving flames in its wake Throws its cloak to the ground, creating spikes out of it Turns into a red sphere and floats to the centre of the arena, spawning flames Evades and counters Turns into a horde of firebats

Hollow Knight - Nightmare King Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Twisted spectre of scarlet flame Dirtmouth 1,500 Grimmchild Level 4

Nightmare King - Moves List

Firebats Firebat Teleport Dive Dash Dash Uppercut Cloak Spikes Flame Pillar Flame Spawner Evade Stagger
Fires four firebats in various directions, which each spawn a fire pillar If you get into melee range before the third firebat has been summoned, the Nightmare King will warp to the other side of the arena and fire the remaining bats at once Dashes at the Knight and performs an uppercut, leaving flames in its wake that last for a few seconds Dashes at the Knight and performs an uppercut, leaving flames in its wake Throws its cloak to the ground, creating spikes out of it Floats above the ground and spawns fire pillars below the Knight, each leaves flames for a few seconds Turns into a red sphere and floats to the centre of the arena, spawning flames Evades and counters Turns into a horde of firebats

Hollow Knight - Hive Knight Boss Description & Location

Appearance Description Location HP Reward
Loyal protector of the Hive's Queen. Flightless but ferocious in battle The Hive 800 Hiveblood

Hive Knight - Moves List

Bee Cannon Lunge Teleport Leap Beenades
Opens its mouth and fires out Hivelings at the ceiling, which then fly down at the Knight Lunges along the ground with its spear Warps behind the Knight and slashes with its spear Curls into a ball and leaps to the top of the arena Summons three yellow spiked spheres that explode

How Many Hits Does It Take to Kill False Knight
