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Reviews on Landscape Architecture Research by Deming and Swaffield

Landscape Architectural Research

Inquiry, Strategy, Design

Wiley (Verlag)

  • erschienen am 16. März 2011
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  • 272 Seiten
Eastward-Book | PDF mit Adobe-DRM | Systemvoraussetzungen

978-i-118-05708-7 (ISBN)

A practical, unmarried-source guide tosuccessful strategies forlandscape architecture research
As the telescopic of landscape architecture expands to appoint withother disciplines, and streams of information directing this fieldcontinue to grow and diversify, it becomes increasingly importantfor landscape architects to exist able to implement a range ofeffective research strategies when seeking, creating, andvalidating knowledge. Landscape Architecture Research offersa framework for advancing meliorate design thinking solutions bysupplying readers with a system of inquiry tactics that open up awider range of research possibilities. With a logical andinnovative arroyo that favors legitimacy of cognition based oncollective, grounded practices, rather than strict adherence toprotocols fatigued only from scientific models, this comprehensive,illustrated guide produces a sound argument for establishing a newparadigm for legitimizing research quality. LandscapeArchitecture Inquiry presents:
* Example studies that show how the range of presented researchstrategies have been successfully used in practice
* New perspective on the relationship between theory, research,practice, and critique, a relationship that is specific tolandscape compages
* Detailed coverage of the means that new knowledge is producedthrough inquiry activities and practical innovations in landscapearchitecture
The first and only volume on this topic of growing importance inlandscape architecture, Mural Compages Researchkeeps professionals and students in step with the latestdevelopments in landscape architecture, and delivers a dynamic andflexible game plan for verifying the integrity of their piece of work.

i. Auflage
  • Englisch
  • New York
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  • United states of america
  • Für Beruf und Forschung
  • Reflowable
Photos: 30 B&W, 0 Colour; Drawings: 32 B&West, 0 Color
  • 4,12 MB
  • mural architects
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  • Landschaftsarchitektur
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  • Architektur
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  • Architecture
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  • Landscape Architecture
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  • landscape design
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  • enquiry methods in mural
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  • mural architectural research methods
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  • scientific approach to landscape compages research
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  • mural architectural research
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  • scientific discipline and fine art in mural architecture
978-1-118-05708-7 (9781118057087)

weitere Ausgaben werden ermittelt

K. Elen Deming, DDes, ASLA, RLA, is Professor and Head ofLandscape Architecture at the University of Illinois. She is pasteditor of the award-winning Landscape Journal, equally well ascurrent President and Boyfriend of the Quango of Educators inLandscape Architecture. She currently serves every bit on the editorialadvisory boards for the European Journal of LandscapeArchitecture and Mural Journal.
Simon R. Swaffield, PhD, FNZILA, is Professor ofLandscape Architecture at Lincoln University in Canterbury, NewZealand. In 2007, he received the Outstanding Research andCommunication Laurels from CELA. He is founding editor ofLandscape Review and frequently authors and edits journalarticles.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction. Noesis in Landscape Compages.
i.ii The Demand for a Guide.
one.iii The Gatekeeping Dilemma in Context.
1.four Mapping the Terrain.
1.5 Building a Research-Based Discipline.
CHAPTER two Knowing Landscape Compages.
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 The Nature of Professional Disciplines.
2.3 Domains of Knowledge in Landscape Architecture.
2.4 Inquiry Needs.
CHAPTER three Theory/Enquiry/Scholarship/Critique.
3.i Introduction.
three.ii Competing Ideals of Theory.
three.three Representing Theory.
three.4 Theoretical Conversations.
three.5 Inquiry and Scholarship.
iii.6 Studio Design as a Research Setting.
3.7 Theory and Critique.
3.eight Decision.
Chapter iv Integrating Pattern and Research.
4.1 Introduction.
four.2 Bug and Purpose.
4.3 Framing a Research Question.
iv.4 Degrees of Research.
iv.5 Assessing Research Quality.
4.half-dozen A Developmental Heuristic.
Chapter 5 Descriptive Strategies.
5.i Introduction.
5.2 Observation.
v.3 Secondary Description.
5.4 Descriptive Social Surveys.
v.5 Circuitous Description.
five.half-dozen Descriptive Case Studies.
Descriptive Strategies: Summary.
CHAPTER 6 Modeling and Correlational Strategies.
6.1 Introduction.
6.two Descriptive/Synthetic Models.
6.three Analytical Models and Correlation.
half-dozen.4 Simple Correlation.
half dozen.v Multiple Correlations.
6.6 Spatial Correlations. Predictive Modeling.
6.eight Dynamic Simulation Modeling.
Modeling Strategies: Summary.
Chapter 7 Experimental Strategies.
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 Classic Experiments.
7.3 Field Experiments.
7.4 Quasi Experiments.
7.v The Metaphor of Experimentation.
Experimental Strategies: Summary.
Affiliate 8 Classification Schemes.
viii.1 Introduction.
eight.2 Collection/Inventory/Catalogue.
eight.three Typology.
8.4 Taxonomy.
viii.v Index.
8.6 Bibliography and Literature Review.
Classification Strategies: Summary.
Affiliate nine Interpretive Strategies.
nine.ane Introduction.
ix.2 Ethnography.
9.three Discourse Analysis.
9.4 Iconology and Iconography.
9.5 Historiography.
Interpretive Strategies: Summary.
Affiliate x Evaluation and Diagnosis.
10.1 Introduction.
10.2 Parameters, Norms, and Rubrics.
10.iii Design Evaluation.
10.4 Diagnostics.
x.5 Landscape Assessment.
Evaluation and Diagnosis Strategies: Summary.
Affiliate 11 Engaged Action Enquiry.
11.i Introduction.
xi.ii Action Dimensions in Pedagogical Research.
11.iii Participatory Design in Service Learning.
11.4 Participatory Action Research (PAR).
11.v Transdisciplinary Activity Enquiry (TDAR).
Engaged Action Research Strategies: Summary.
Chapter 12 Projective Design.
12.1 Design every bit Research.
12.2 Design Operations.
12.3 Design Interpretations.
12.four Design Reflections.
Projective Design Strategies: Summary.
References 221.
Chapter thirteen Logical Systems (Axioms, Rules, and Argumentation).
13.1 Introduction.
13.2 Logical Relationships.
13.iii Synthetic Logic.
13.4 Expanded Field Analysis.
13.5 Spatial Syntax equally Logical System.
13.6 Pattern Language.
Logical Systems: Summary.
Chapter 14 Research and Practice.
fourteen.1 Introduction.
fourteen.two Integrating Research Strategies into Exercise--Evidence-Based Design.
14.3 Integrating Research into Practice--Polemical Transformation.
14.4 Integrating Knowledge into Exercise--Grassroots Movements.
14.5 Organizing Exercise-Based Research. Reprise.

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